The importance of execution
The importance of execution
The importance of execution
The importance of execution

A Year in Review: Rebranding from Invast Global to 26 Degrees Global Markets

In our ‘Year in Review’ series with Nikolai Isayev from FinanceFeeds, 26 Degrees Global Market’s Chief Commercial Officer - EMEA, Lochlan White and Director, Prime Services James Meek are asked the hard question - was it a success?

26 Degrees really has an Australian feel about it. Invast, while we're super proud of our Japanese heritage, it is really a Japanese name. And 26 Degrees is an Australian run company.

So, I think we're all super proud and happy to be working under a brand that better recognizes us and our background, and our identity.
James Meek
Director, Prime Services

Nikolai Isayev

It’s been nearly six months already since you guys rebranded from Invast Global to 26 Degrees. I wanted to ask how have clients reacted to the rebrand and would you say that the rebrand has been a success?

James Meek

Yeah, I think operationally we couldn’t have asked for much more. It was executed really, really well over some months. It takes a lot of work to roll out something like this. I think in general, being in Sydney and speaking to the team often as well as the team in Cyprus, I think we’re all quite happy to be working under a brand that better represents us.

So 26 Degrees, it’s really an Australian feel about it. Invast, while we’re super proud of our Japanese heritage, it is really a Japanese name. And 26 Degrees is an Australian run company. So I think we’re all super proud and happy to be working under a brand that better recognizes us and our background, and our identity, I guess.

Lochlan White

I’m not sure if you know, but I just ticked over ten years working at the same company, formerly Invast Global, now 26 Degrees.  As you said yourself, time has flown by. It’s crazy and it’s been it’s been a fantastic journey. Seeing the company and the whole group evolve over the last ten, ten and a half years.

The rebrand was something that I think I mentioned to you in Cyprus that we worked on for quite a few years and while it did perhaps seem like it sort of came out of the blue, it was something that was considered within the marketing team and in the executive team for about two and a half years. So it was something that was, you know, very well thought out and planned.

I will admit we’ve been called Invast Global or Invast this week quite a fair bit which we do expect to continue for a little while. There’s quite a few other brokers here that have rebranded and people still call them by their former names, but that is what it is. I mean, at the end of the day, it’s the people and the technology in the company that I think make up the brand. As a whole it’s been really successful and we’re very happy.

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Businessman Making Phone Call Sitting At Desk In Office
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