Australian Bushfire Crisis – Charity Day
On the 31st of January, 26 Degrees Global Markets will donate all trading commissions earned to the NSW Rural Fire Services, to support the volunteer firefighters and the victims of the ongoing bushfire crisis in Australia.
Australia is currently experiencing its worst ever bushfire season. The first fires ignited in September 2019 and have continued to burn throughout the Christmas and New Year period. Experts forecast that the fires are likely to devastate the east coast of Australia for another two months, with fires spreading North and South at an alarming rate.
25 people and over 400 million animals have been killed by the fires which have burned about 14.5 million acres across Australia. Many more have suffered serious injury. The area already burned is more than triple the size of the land destroyed by the 2018 California Fires and six times the size of the 2019 fires in the Amazon Rainforest.
26 Degrees Global Markets, has announced that they will donate 100% of the trading commissions generated on Friday 31st January 2020 to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS). The NSW RFS is the world’s largest volunteer firefighting service; however, it has been widely reported to be underfunded by the Australian government.
These donations will directly benefit volunteer firefighters and families who have lost their homes to the horrific bushfires.
It is a humbling experience to see how much the rest of the world is taking notice of the tragedy unfolding Down Under. Some of the most supportive of our clients are based on the other side of the world, with many never having been to Australia – yet they are pledging strong support to Charity Day.”

NSW Rural Fire Service
Donations made directly to the New South Wales RFS are for the benefit of volunteer brigades and are always gratefully received and are a tremendous help.
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