Melissa Downes FMLS Panel
Melissa Downes FMLS Panel
Melissa Downes FMLS Panel
Melissa Downes FMLS Panel

Current challenges in financial services marketing

Our Global Head of Marketing Melissa Downes, spoke at the Finance Magnates London Summit panel: Marketing for Brokers and Beyond: Performance, Branding, Survival in November.
Part 1
When discussing the current challenges within financial services marketing, Melissa explained the difficultly of achieving cut-through in an already saturated industry and how important it is to produce a product that is client centric and instantly recognisable to your target audience.

"It's really important to get that cut through with your brand and make sure that you are producing a quality product and making sure that you are standing out and instantly recognisable for your clients as well."
Melissa Downes
Global Head of Marketing

Melissa Downes 

You only have to walk outside to see the challenges that we’re all facing in financial services marketing. It’s a very crowded environment. There’s a lot of competition. If you look around the stands, there’s a lot of same-same, so it’s really hard to cut through and it’s really important to get that cut through with your brand and make sure that you are producing a quality product and making sure that you are standing out and instantly recognisable for your clients as well.

So I think that’s a really important piece for us. That service, where we’re solely B2B, that service retail brokers and help them communicate our product to their end clients. So it’s that intermediated approach which is much more challenging and increasingly so as you say, in a very fragmented environment, we’re seeing a lot more fragmentation of channels, a lot more fragmentation of providers as well. So really standing out and making sure that you stand for what your clients need and being very client centric is really important. 

Businessman Making Phone Call Sitting At Desk In Office
Businessman Making Phone Call Sitting At Desk In Office
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